The association’s membership isvalid for 12 months, please renew your membership before expiry date every year. Fail to renew within 30 days, your membership will be suspended, and result in cancelation by 90 days. The new registration fee will be charged for the membership resuming.


Our email is, Name: OAOP, Phone: 416-273-4551.


You mayclick hereto enter thepayment page or click the PAY NOW bellow to complete your payment online.

PAY NOW $250.00

The third-party payment gateway ( is similar as PayPal, safe and reliable, it will not keep your personal and credit card information. After receiving the membership fee, we will send you your new membership certificate and membership card by mail or pick up.


By Phone:Call our office at 416-273-4551 to make payment using your VISA or Master Card.

Pay at Office

We accept VISA, Master Card, Debit or Cash.

Our Address:

250 Consumers Road
Unit 712
Toronto, ON M2J 4Y6